About Us
School Motto: "Always be the best that you can be."

Our School Aims are:-
To develop a self-confident, well mannered community where children and adults value themselves and respect the difference in others.
To provide a happy, friendly, caring environment where children and adults can develop their full potential.
To put the learning process at the heart of the school enabling children to become creative, independent learners with the skills and attitudes needed to meet the challenges of adult life.
To recognise and develop children’s individual needs to foster a love of learning in all.
To become a valued part of our local community and help children become responsible, caring and happy citizens.
To develop a culture of open self evaluation to ensure the best learning opportunities for the children.
Our Vision:-
Our vision for Birchgrove Primary School is that, as a Learning Organisation, it becomes a community of excellence where all are entitled and encouraged to :-
Become well rounded, ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn. Learners who are enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work.
Achieve their full potential through an inclusive, safe, happy learning environment that recognises that each child is unique and valued.
Be tolerant, respectful and accepting of others, promote sustainable development, are ethically informed and persevere and develop a positive mindset to become resilient lifelong learners.
Participate in a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum through providing a wide range of learning experiences, including independent experiential learning, which focus on the needs of the individual who become digitally competent, preparing children for an ever evolving world.
Continually reflect and evaluate progress within a culture of trust, honesty and openness, so that the quality of teaching and learning within our school, continues to improve.

Our School Prayer
This is our school, let peace dwell here,
Let the rooms be full of contentment,
Let love abide here, Love of one another,
Love of mankind, Love of life itself
And love of God,
Let us remember that as many hands build a house,
So many hearts make a school.
Our Welsh school prayer is -
Diolch am ffrindiau,
Diolch am deulu,
Diolch am ysgol,
Diolch am fyd;
Diolch am fwyd a
Diolch am gartref,
Diolch i Dduw am
bopeth o hyd.
Our Golden Rules are –
We are gentle. We don’t hurt others.
We are kind and helpful. We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.
We listen. We don’t interrupt.
We are honest. We don’t cover up the truth.
We work hard. We don’t waste our own or others’ time.
We look after our property. We don’t waste or damage things.